Before I became a life coach, every time I moved (and I moved many, many times – read more about that here) it seemed as though I had to “reinvent” myself. A loss of identity came with each new culture, language, community and job. Although I was usually excited to move, it always took time and effort to fit into a new place. The letting go of my “old” community fed into a lack of confidence as I tried to establish myself again. I wish that I’d had some insights and vocabulary back then to label and verbalize how to BE and what to DO to help me stay true to myself. Working with a life coach who understands transitions can do just that.
I understand now that being intentional can make all the difference in making choices and finding your way. This is the very reason I am now doing work as a life coach. I help clients in transition make a plan that reflects their values and dreams while they stay committed to change on their terms. Once a client has examined and labeled personal goals we can discover ways to adapt to the transition while staying true to his identity. I know how lonely and difficult it can be as you build yourself into a new job or a new lifestyle,
If you are trying to reinvent yourself in retirement, new job, new culture, new community consider these things:
- Use this as an opportunity to explore different sides of yourself,
- Make a commitment and intention to join in,
- Expect some highs and lows,
- Stretch yourself and identify a challenge that will take you out of your comfort zone,
- Remind yourself daily of your values and find something to DO that reflects who you want to BE.
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Facing a big change or transition? With the right tools, navigated conversations and the intention to create something great, you too can discover ways to make a life transition into a fresh new beginning. Let’s get started now on identifying what you want and find a way to get you there.
Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligations life coaching consultation to discuss the possibilities. Or use the Appointment Scheduler and pick a time that works for you. I coach 90% of my clients over the phone, and my DC-based Life Coaching clients have the option of meeting with me in person.